Friendship Blogger Award

A very happy Monday to everyone! I am very pleased indeed to be able to show off that I have made friends on WordPress! I find making friends to be a tricky business (especially in a foreign country) and I am always delighted when someone wants to be friends with me. Both Becca of From my Lofty Hill and Nash from Open Source have nominated me for this award. I personally think that the real award is the friendship itself, after spending time chatting via blog posts, but it is so lovely to have a written acknowledgement all the same!

I loved having a pen friend when I was young and kept in touch, via letters and sleep-overs, with a girl whom I met on holiday when I was around nine or ten years old. We wrote to each other for several years and often found that our annual Summer holidays, spent at a tiny caravan site in North Wales for seaside adventures along the Llyn Peninsula, overlapped. I am very pleased indeed to have been able to adapt the ‘pen friend’ formula to a blogging community. I am very much looking forward to strengthening the friendships that I have made already and to forging new ones (hopefully) as the weeks and months go by.

The Friendship Blogger Award was invented by: Novus Lectio


“This Award is for those we cherish in WP and to show them affection and to offer them our friendship.” 


  • Thank the blogger who nominated you in your blog post and link back to their blog.
  • Mention the creator of the Award (Novus Lectio) and its purpose.
  • Nominate other bloggers to receive the awards.
  • List the rules and display the Friendship blogger award logo in your post on your blog.


Confessions of an Irish Procrastinator

Fat Dormouse

Confuzzled Bev

I would also like to give an anonymous shout out to my wonderful mum, who started a blog herself just to be able to comment on my posts and show her support for my latest endeavour. Isn’t that so completely lovely of her? I won’t overwhelm her with a link as she doesn’t yet know how to navigate WordPress properly.

21 thoughts on “Friendship Blogger Award

  1. I enjoy our blogging friendship 💓and also loved to have a lot of pen pals while growing up .. I still have a few! Some I met in an online farming group and we started this let’s find pen-pals thread 😉I really like to write letters and thought already about blog posts in letter style 😉however .. I like it most if I got a bunch of questions first, which I have to reply to.. giving me the ideas of what to write. ☺

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That would be helpful, I agree! If you’d really like some questions, do say and I’ll conjure some up for you when I can find time. (I’ve written this post during an extremely rare nap time…but it ends very soon!)


      1. That’s a really good idea – ingenious, really, if you can get other people to do your brain storming for you! 😉 I will definitely have a think myself for possible letter questions 🙂 🙂


      2. If you didn’t think it was too intrusive I would be fascinated, in terms of “blogging letter questions”, to know roughly what an average day consists of for you as a self-sufficient farmer. It may seem normal for you but I am really curious (or nosey)!


  2. Thanks again for your lovely compliment – I’m not convinced I deserve such praise. The praise is all due to you, for introducing me to the art of blogging (which will take some time to acquire). It is so nice to be able to exercise my brain again after 20 months of retirement, other than by reading, doing cryptic and general knowledge crosswords and my recently started French conversation lessons – which I fear are to be a dismal failure judging by my attemps so far.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Oh, thank you! That’s so lovely. I feel honoured. Like you, I find it tricky to make friends in real life (especially living in a foreign country, although honestly I wasn’t much better at it when I lived in the UK!) so it’s amazing having online friends who seem to actually like me. I also still have pen pals to this day – I’m much better at making friends in writing than in person it seems.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I am the same and actually only added the foreign country bit at the last moment. I find it easier to be myself in writing – it’s safely anonymous and you get allcthevrhinking time you want. I used to be quite shy and never really felt good enough to merit being in friendship groups, so stayed quite quiet to blend in better.


  4. Thank you for the nomination – I will get round to an appropriate post at some stage…but I agree with you on how lovely the blogging community cfan be…I’ve made lots of friends around the world.

    Liked by 1 person

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