Fifty posts celebration!

Hooray and hoorah! I have finally written fifty posts on my blog. This is a particularly special milestone for me since it has taken me over two and a half years to achieve. I started this blog in July 2016, with the aim of keeping myself company at night whilst feeding my baby Chou. It was a resounding success for a full three posts, and then, sadly, life stuck and my blog was put on hold (my company clearly didn’t miss me very much, as we more or less forgot about each other for eighteen months). So far my two blogging breaks have lasted far longer than anticipated (and have certainly been more reliable so far than my attempts to remain on track). Nevertheless this first major goal has, at long, long last, been achieved, and I feel as though it ought to be a cause for a very mini celebration.

Probably not quite champagne-worthy, I decided, instead, to indulge myself and bask in the knowledge that I have finally written enough to have favourite posts, by listing my top five favourites (statistics be damned):


1. Under house arrest in Budapest: A tale of holiday woe

A basic rundown of why my husband and I will not be staying in a hotel for the next several years (with Dracula thrown in for good measure).



2. A Monégasque Adventure

Driving along the beautiful French Riviera coastline to Monaco and feeling a great deal of (unmerited) ill-will towards poor Rafael Nadal.



3. Menton: The chin of France*

Exploring all that could be seen of the beautiful seaside town of Menton along the short walk between our apartment and the beach, where we were dragged daily by an over-excited Chou.



4. The Chou and la grue

The best day of my little son’s life, when he was invited for a ride in a ‘Cherry Picker’, in the car park of our local Carrefour.



5. Slip slidin’ away dans la neige

In which we were ‘macarooned’ in the snow.


To all my lovely readers: which of your posts do you consider to be your favourite? I’m genuinely curious to know how other people decide (my choices were based on how much I enjoyed writing them) so, if you have no objection to my being nosy, please do leave a link to it in the comments and I’ll pop round for a visit by and by.

Happy Saturday evening, everyone!



24 thoughts on “Fifty posts celebration!

  1. Congratulations on writing 50 posts!
    I haven’t read your latest blog posts, but I enjoyed reading about your plants & the 30 things you wanted to do before your 30th birthday since it inspired me to do my own 25 before 25 post 😊

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I like the post on Menton. Geeze, it made me realize that it’s been 14 years since I lived in Nice. And I had no memory of Menton at all. Oh well, a bunch of stuff must have moved into my brain and pushed some info out of the other side.
    Love the perspective of someone who can pop on over and discover these little, historic towns. Awesome!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! I think that the problem is there are just so many beautiful towns in that part of France that it’s impossible to keep track of them all! I’d love to do more “mini breaks” but it is more complicated when travelling with children. And France is so much bigger than it looks on the map!!!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Hooray, congratulations on 50 posts. I hope you stick around to write 50 more!
    My favourite blog posts are usually the ones that are fun to write or fun to do the preparation for, like this one: or this one:
    I am most proud of the one I wrote about moving to Switzerland to be with a partner you’re not married to. So many people have written to tell me they found it useful.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I remember enjoying your denglish post! I had no idea about the basilisks, I must go through my photos from when I day-tripped to Basel and see if I managed to catch any on camera without realising. It would make the perfect activity to do with my Chou if I can ever persuaded my husband to explore more of Switzerland.


  4. Wooohooo, congrats! Life really can get in the way and throw things off course with blogging, but we can always pick it back up when we want, without feeling too pressured. Here’s to more happy blogging for you lovely – definitely a cause for celebration 😀
    Caz xx

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Yay and huzzah! Well done for reaching the milestone! I’ve enjoyed being with you for the majority of the “blogging journey”.
    Of both your posts, and mine, I don’t think I can pick a favourite. I always enjoy hearing about Chou, who seems to be a little scamp, but I also like reading about everyday life in a different part of France…Everybody’s life includes little details that seem minor to them, but which fascinate others…
    With my posts, again, hard to pick a favourite. So I won’t try.
    Keep blogging, Chomeuse! You have a talent for writing & entertaining. I missed you while you were away!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much! Yes, you’ve been such a great support to me throughout, and I always appreciate your comments. I also love hearing about different parts of France – even a just few hours drive away seems to make a big difference to the culture in little ways.


What do you think?